
Installing NetCloak with WebSTAR

Installing the NetCloak Plug-In

  1. Copy the "NetCloak Plug-In" file from the "NetCloak 2.5" folder to the "Plug-Ins" folder in the same folder as the WebSTAR application.
  2. Copy the "NetCloak.acgi" application into the same folder as the WebSTAR application (not the "Plug-Ins" folder). You will need the CGI to configure NetCloak and edit settings.
  3. Launch WebSTAR.
If you want to process all ".html" files through NetCloak, also follow these steps:
  1. Launch NetCloak.acgi.
  2. Select "WebSTAR .HTML Files to Plug-In" from the "Auto-Map" menu.
  3. Quit NetCloak.acgi.

Installing the NetCloak CGI

  1. Copy the "NetCloak.acgi" from the "NetCloak 2.5" folder to the same folder as the WebSTAR application.
  2. Launch WebSTAR.
  3. Launch NetCloak.acgi.
  4. Select "WebSTAR .NCLK Files to CGI" from the "Auto-Map" menu.
If you want to process all ".html" files through NetCloak:
  1. Select "WebSTAR .HTML Files to CGI" from the "Auto-Map" menu.

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